sabato 8 novembre 2008

 il blog chiude i battenti. Almeno per ora. Un supporto molto più personale risalente a quest'estate prenderà completamente il suo posto, com'è giusto che sia.. tanto chi leggeva le mie cazzate??:D

la mia nave prosegue la sua strana rotta su questi mari del fato che a volte sono calmi, altre volte agitati. Come sempre.. perchè nonostante il tempo trascorso, vi sono alcune domande poste tempo fa che non hanno ancora risposta.. perchè per me di risposte valide non ve ne sono.

buona vita, viaggiatori..non dimenticatevi delle persone che tengono a voi.. Sono le cose più preziose che rimangono in questo mondo.

per concludere degnamente.. ultima dedica musicale..dedicata a me e a voi...

Be yourself - Audioslave

Someone falls to pieces

Sleeping all alone

Someone kills the pain

Spinning in the silence

She finally drifts away

Someone gets excited

In a chapel yard

And catches a bouquet

Another lays a dozen

White roses on a grave


And to be yourself is all that you can do


To be yourself is all that you can do

Someone finds salvation in everyone

Another only pain

Someone tries to hide himself

Down inside himself he prays

Someone swears his true love

Until the end of time

Another runs away

Separate or united

Healthy or insane

And to be yourself is all that you can do(all that you can do)


To be yourself is all that you can do(all that you can do)

To be yourself is all that you can do(all that you can do)


Be yourself is all that you can do

even when you've paid enough

been put upon or been held up

with every single memory of

the good or bad, faces of luck

don't lose any sleep tonight

i'm sure everything will end up alright

you may win or lose

But to be yourself is all that you can do


To be yourself is all that you can do


To be yourself is all that you can do(all that you can do)


To be yourself is all that you can do(all that you can do)

To be yourself is all that you can--

Be yourself is all that you can--

Be yourself is all that you can dooooooohoooo

1 commento:

  1. nuoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
